Buat cerita dalam bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan kosakata berikut ini : enthusiastic, worried, shy, bitter, homesick, thankfull, hopeful, delighted, confident, satisfied

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Buat cerita dalam bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan kosakata berikut ini : enthusiastic, worried, shy, bitter, homesick, thankfull, hopeful, delighted, confident, satisfied


Hello my name is Mr Adam. I'm the one and only the person was so poor about my life. I tell the truth about me today. I have a big dreams to become a successful entrepreneur. However, I must unsuccessful when I got a million disadvantage three years ago.

Therefore, I feel so enthusiastic to become and grow up. However, I feel so worried, and shy to make a chance. I'm so homesick with my job and career, but I don't want to get a bitter again.

Five years later, I feel so confident and I really hopeful to my heart. Please, don't make a failures again. And I'm so thankful for myself, because I become to a millionaire again. I feel so delighted and satisfied from there. Thanks for God for make a change.


note : ini ngetik sendiri ya, ngarang sendiri. tapi artinya masuk kok dan nyambung.