A SUNNY DAY! Hello, my name Sussan, I — (not) fifteen, I seventeen years old and I want to tell you about my holiday I (enjoy) today! We visiting a Santa Marta beach, it called “El Rodadero”. My family and me so happy because we (share) time together. The weather beautiful, the sun (shine) a lot and look! My dad and my mom (not) (drink) a lemonade, they drinking a soda and they (sit) on the sand, my little brother and me (play) with a ball in the sea and my older sister (not) (swim) here! She (play) in her cellphone. I really recommend this place of Colombia because people are so funny and friendly and also because the weather and the places so beautiful… Ah! And the food delicious!​

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A SUNNY DAY! Hello, my name Sussan, I — (not) fifteen, I seventeen years old and I want to tell you about my holiday I (enjoy) today! We visiting a Santa Marta beach, it called “El Rodadero”. My family and me so happy because we (share) time together. The weather beautiful, the sun (shine) a lot and look! My dad and my mom (not) (drink) a lemonade, they drinking a soda and they (sit) on the sand, my little brother and me (play) with a ball in the sea and my older sister (not) (swim) here! She (play) in her cellphone. I really recommend this place of Colombia because people are so funny and friendly and also because the weather and the places so beautiful… Ah! And the food delicious!​


HARI YANG CERAH! Halo, nama saya Susan, saya — (bukan) lima belas, saya tujuh belas tahun dan saya ingin bercerita tentang liburan saya yang saya (nikmati) hari ini! Kami mengunjungi pantai Santa Marta, yang disebut "El Rodadero". Saya dan keluarga sangat senang karena kami (berbagi) waktu bersama. Cuacanya indah, matahari (bersinar) banyak dan lihat! Ayah saya dan ibu saya (tidak) (minum) limun, mereka minum soda dan mereka (duduk) di pasir, saya dan adik laki-laki saya (bermain) dengan bola di laut dan kakak perempuan saya (tidak) (berenang ) di sini! Dia (bermain) di ponselnya. Saya sangat merekomendasikan tempat Kolombia ini karena orang-orangnya sangat lucu dan ramah dan juga karena cuaca dan tempat-tempatnya sangat indah… Ah! Dan makanannya enak!