Tomy is my cat it has orange fur with white spots 1 like to cuddle tomy because its fur feeis sort every morning 1 give tomy a bowi of milk tomy dossn’t like like cat.Tomy like torun around the hause tomy likes to chase everyone in my house.Tomy usually sleeps in the sopa in the living room or sometimes under the table

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Tomy is my cat it has orange fur with white spots 1 like to cuddle tomy because its fur feeis sort every morning 1 give tomy a bowi of milk tomy dossn’t like like cat.Tomy like torun around the hause tomy likes to chase everyone in my house.Tomy usually sleeps in the sopa in the living room or sometimes under the table



Tomy is my cat it has orange fur with white spots 1 like to cuddle tomy because its fur feeis sort every morning 1 give tomy a bowi of milk tomy dossn't like like cat.Tomy like torun around the hause tomy likes to chase everyone in my house.Tomy usually sleeps in the sopa in the living room or sometimes under the table


tomy adalah kucingku ia memiliki bulu jingga dengan bintik-bintik putih 1 suka dipeluk karena bulunya disortir setiap pagi 1 beri tomy bowi susu tomy doss tidak seperti kucing. tomy seperti berjalan di sekitar rumah tomy suka mengejar semua orang di rumahku. Tom biasanya tidur di sopa di ruang tamu atau terkadang di bawah meja


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