Sembalun Village Sembalun is one of the districts in East Lombok Regency. Sembalun is divided into six villages and one of them, Sembalun Lawang, has become more popular as the starting point before climbing Mount Rinjani. All of the villages are situated between 800-1200 meters above sea level, and surrounded almost entirely by a range of steep hils. The temperature is notably lower here than in other parts of Lombok, which also makes it pleasant for hiking. As Sembalun lies at the base of Mount Rinjani, the soil is rich and fertile, allowing for a boonne agricultural industry which forms the economics of the village. Almost all of the men in Sembalun are farmers. On the other side of the village are huge fields where they grow rice, chilies, carrots, cabbage and onions amongst a range of other plants. Sembalun is also the biggest producer of spices in West Nusa Tenggara. Visiting Sembalun, tourists will be greeted by the magnificent panorama of rice fields and gardens. There are so many natural attractions you can find in Sembalun. You can even join the local community and experience the process of harvesting rice, potatoes, or tomatoes with them. You are also allowed to fertilize the plants, clean the grass, and do many other activities. Sembalun can be reached through two main routes. From Senggigi, it is a three-hour drive along the north coast, passing stunning bays and beaches before continuing through the foothills of Mount Rinjani. The second option is from Senggigi’s main road to Mataram, and then East Lombok, under three hours, which leads through scenic rice fields and passes different villages and fruit markets. The last part of this route, before reaching the valley of Sembalun, is a very winding and steep road through dense rain forest The views over the Sembalun Valley are generally spectacular. From atop the hills you can often see Mount Rinjani and from the hills on the eastside, you can even see Sumbawa on clear days.

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The text in Activity 4 is a descriptive text in written form. The purpose of a descriptive text is mainly to describe a particular person, object or place. It consists of two parts: identification, which identifies the person, object or place to describe; 1. description, which describes parts, qualities or characteristics of the person, object or place being 2. described. The text in Activity 4 describes Sembalun Village. The identification part is shown by paragraph one as it states the object to be described, i.e. Sembalun Village. The description is shown in the rest paragraphs (2-5). These paragraphs explain the characteristics, inhabitants, access to the village, and the beauty of Sembalun, as well as the activities that can be done there​

Sembalun Village Sembalun is one of the districts in East Lombok Regency. Sembalun is divided into six villages and one of them, Sembalun Lawang, has become more popular as the starting point before climbing Mount Rinjani. All of the villages are situated between 800-1200 meters above sea level, and surrounded almost entirely by a range of steep hils. The temperature is notably lower here than in other parts of Lombok, which also makes it pleasant for hiking. As Sembalun lies at the base of Mount Rinjani, the soil is rich and fertile, allowing for a boonne agricultural industry which forms the economics of the village. Almost all of the men in Sembalun are farmers. On the other side of the village are huge fields where they grow rice, chilies, carrots, cabbage and onions amongst a range of other plants. Sembalun is also the biggest producer of spices in West Nusa Tenggara. Visiting Sembalun, tourists will be greeted by the magnificent panorama of rice fields and gardens. There are so many natural attractions you can find in Sembalun. You can even join the local community and experience the process of harvesting rice, potatoes, or tomatoes with them. You are also allowed to fertilize the plants, clean the grass, and do many other activities. Sembalun can be reached through two main routes. From Senggigi, it is a three-hour drive along the north coast, passing stunning bays and beaches before continuing through the foothills of Mount Rinjani. The second option is from Senggigi’s main road to Mataram, and then East Lombok, under three hours, which leads through scenic rice fields and passes different villages and fruit markets. The last part of this route, before reaching the valley of Sembalun, is a very winding and steep road through dense rain forest The views over the Sembalun Valley are generally spectacular. From atop the hills you can often see Mount Rinjani and from the hills on the eastside, you can even see Sumbawa on clear days.


Understand the Exposition Text!

Desa Sembalun Sembalun merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang ada di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Sembalun yang terbagi menjadi enam desa dan salah satunya, Sembalun Lawang semakin populer sebagai titik awal pendakian Gunung Rinjani. Semua desa terletak antara 800-1200 meter di atas permukaan laut, dan hampir seluruhnya dikelilingi oleh pegunungan yang curam. Suhu di sini lebih rendah daripada di bagian lain Lombok, yang juga membuatnya nyaman untuk hiking. Karena Sembalun terletak di kaki Gunung Rinjani, tanahnya subur dan subur, memungkinkan adanya industri pertanian yang menguntungkan yang membentuk perekonomian desa. Hampir semua laki-laki di Sembalun adalah petani. Di sisi lain desa terdapat ladang besar di mana mereka menanam padi, cabai, wortel, kubis dan bawang di antara berbagai tanaman lainnya. Sembalun juga merupakan penghasil rempah-rempah terbesar di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Mengunjungi Sembalun, wisatawan akan disambut dengan panorama persawahan dan taman yang sangat indah. Banyak sekali wisata alam yang bisa Anda temukan di Sembalun. Anda bahkan dapat bergabung dengan komunitas lokal dan merasakan proses memanen padi, kentang, atau tomat bersama mereka. Anda juga diperbolehkan menyuburkan tanaman, membersihkan rumput, dan melakukan banyak aktivitas lainnya. Sembalun bisa dicapai melalui dua jalur utama. Dari Senggigi, dibutuhkan waktu tiga jam berkendara di sepanjang pantai utara, melewati teluk dan pantai yang menakjubkan sebelum melanjutkan melalui kaki bukit Gunung Rinjani. Pilihan kedua adalah dari jalan utama Senggigi ke Mataram, dan kemudian Lombok Timur, dalam waktu kurang dari tiga jam, yang melewati persawahan yang indah dan melewati berbagai desa dan pasar buah. Bagian terakhir dari jalur ini, sebelum mencapai lembah Sembalun, merupakan jalan yang sangat berkelok-kelok dan terjal melewati hutan hujan lebat. Pemandangan Lembah Sembalun pada umumnya sangat spektakuler. Dari atas bukit Anda sering dapat melihat Gunung Rinjani dan dari perbukitan di sisi timur, Anda bahkan dapat melihat Sumbawa pada hari yang cerah.

Teks pada Kegiatan 4 merupakan teks deskriptif dalam bentuk tertulis. Tujuan dari teks deskriptif terutama untuk mendeskripsikan orang, objek atau tempat tertentu. Ini terdiri dari dua bagian: identifikasi, yang mengidentifikasi orang, objek atau tempat untuk dideskripsikan; 1. deskripsi, yang menjelaskan bagian, kualitas atau karakteristik dari orang, objek atau tempat yang 2. dijelaskan. Teks dalam Kegiatan 4 menggambarkan Desa Sembalun. Bagian identifikasi ditunjukkan pada paragraf satu yang menyatakan objek yang akan dideskripsikan, yaitu Desa Sembalun. Deskripsi ditunjukkan di paragraf lainnya (2-5). Paragraf-paragraf tersebut menjelaskan tentang karakteristik, penduduk, akses ke desa, dan keindahan Sembalun, serta aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan di sana.


Detail Jawaban:

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: VII (JHS)

Materi: Exposition Text

Tanggal: 6-11-2020

//Semoga membantu.