Daughter: “I’m sorry for being arrogant, but I am willing to sacrifice my soul sincerely for the prosperity of the people of this country.” (standing up) King: “Not my daughter! You’re the only one I have. You will succeed to the throne of this kingdom. ” ( Shocked ) Daughter: “I’m better off being the victim than the whole people. This is probably my destiny. ” King: “Alright princess. Tonight we will go to the sea. ” (sad) (At night by the ravine) King: “Daughter, are you sure you will do all this?” Daughter: “I’m pretty sure dad. Please forgive my departure, forgive all my wrongs. ” (Starts walking to the edge of the cliff) (Princess dives into the sea) King: “All right my people, let’s go back to our homes.” (Sad) (People leave the palace) (The king is sleeping in his room.) The magical voice: “Go back to the cliff near the sea and find your daughter there.” (The king wakes up and meets his people) King: “My people, let’s go back to the trap. There was a voice saying I should go back there to see my daughter. ” (speaking to the people) (The king goes to the cliff and sees his daughter.) King: “Thank God, you saved my daughter.” (thank God) King: “That’s my daughter. The guard brought my daughter here. ” (Commanding bodyguard) Narrator: The king orders the guards to pick up his daughter and take her to the palace. A few years later, the king gave his daughter power. Since then, the Drought Princess has become queen of the country. He ruled wisely and wisely until his people prospered and prospered.

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Daughter: “I’m sorry for being arrogant, but I am willing to sacrifice my soul sincerely for the prosperity of the people of this country.” (standing up) King: “Not my daughter! You’re the only one I have. You will succeed to the throne of this kingdom. ” ( Shocked ) Daughter: “I’m better off being the victim than the whole people. This is probably my destiny. ” King: “Alright princess. Tonight we will go to the sea. ” (sad) (At night by the ravine) King: “Daughter, are you sure you will do all this?” Daughter: “I’m pretty sure dad. Please forgive my departure, forgive all my wrongs. ” (Starts walking to the edge of the cliff) (Princess dives into the sea) King: “All right my people, let’s go back to our homes.” (Sad) (People leave the palace) (The king is sleeping in his room.) The magical voice: “Go back to the cliff near the sea and find your daughter there.” (The king wakes up and meets his people) King: “My people, let’s go back to the trap. There was a voice saying I should go back there to see my daughter. ” (speaking to the people) (The king goes to the cliff and sees his daughter.) King: “Thank God, you saved my daughter.” (thank God) King: “That’s my daughter. The guard brought my daughter here. ” (Commanding bodyguard) Narrator: The king orders the guards to pick up his daughter and take her to the palace. A few years later, the king gave his daughter power. Since then, the Drought Princess has become queen of the country. He ruled wisely and wisely until his people prospered and prospered.

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