Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini

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1.we really … the game last sunday (enjoy)
2…. marco…the golf competitiin (win)
3.They …very well yesterday (not play )
4.How many goals … your team … in the first half? (Score)
5.sandra … to go rowing with me (not want)
6….they… to the swimming pool yesterday?(go)

Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini


1. We really enjoyed the game last sunday

2. Did Marco win the golf competition?


Marco had won the golf competition

3. They did not play very well yesterday

4. How many goals did your team scored in the first half?

5. Sandra do not want to go rowing with me

6.Did they go to the swimming pool yesterday?


Untuk nomor 2 kurang jelas apakah itu kalimah pertanyaan atau pernyataan, jadi aku kasih 2 option.

Correct me if I wrong:)