Supply do, does, or did to complete the following questions

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1. 1. Where……….your brother live?
2. 2. How often………your sister go the movies?
3. 3. What time……….the train leave?
4. 4. What language besides English………your teacher speak?
5. 5. What time………your father and mother get up every morning?
6. 6. With whom……….he walk to school yesterday?
7. 7. Why……….he go to New York two years ago?
8. 8. How many times……….she mention it to them in last meeting?
9. 9. How long………they wait for the train last night?
10. 10. Where……….they go after the lesson five minutes ago?

Supply do, does, or did to complete the following questions

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1. Where does your brother live?

=> Terkait informasi langsung=> simple present tense

=>" Your brother" merupakan subyek tunggal dengan kata ganti "he", maka, auxiliary verb harus "does" berdasarkan tenses yg digunakan

2. How often does your sister go the movies?

=> Terkait habit (kebiasaan )=> often(ket.  frekuensi)=>simple present

=> "your sister" merupakan subyek tunggal dgn kata ganti "she", maka, gunakan auxiliary verb "does" untuk menyesuaikan tenses nya.

3. What time does the train leave?

=> Terkait informasi langsung=> simple present tense

=>"the train" merupakan bentuk subyek tunggal, maka, gunakan auxiliary verb "does" untuk menyesuaikan tenses-nya.

4. What language besides English does your teacher speak?

=> Terkait informasi langsung=>simple present

=> "your teacher" merupakan subyek tunggal dengan berpicu pada kata ganti "she", maka, gunakan auxiliary verb "does" untuk menyesuaikan tensesnya.

5. What time do your father and mother get up every morning?

=>Terkait kebiasaan=>every morning=>simple present

=> "your father and mother" merupakan subyek jamak dengan berpicu pada kata ganti "they", maka, gunakan auxiliary verb "do" untuk menyesuaikan tenses-nya.

6. With whom did he walk to school yesterday?

=>Terkait waktu lampau=>yesterday=>simple past

=> "He" merupakan subyek tunggal. Dalam simple past tense, baik subyek bentuk tunggal maupun jamak akan tetap menggunakan auxiliary verb "did" pada kalimat tanya maupun kalimat negative.

7.  Why did he go to New York two years ago?

=>Terkait waktu lampau=>two years ago=> simple past tense

=> Baik subyek tunggal maupun jamak, akan tetap menggunakan auxiliary verb "did."

8. How many times did she mention it to them in last meeting?

=> Terkait waktu lampau=> last meeting=>simple past

=> Gunakan auxiliary verb "did" baik dalam subyek tunggal maupun jamak.

9. How long did they wait for the train last night?

=> terkait waktu lampau=>last night=>simple past

=> Gunakan auxiliary verb "did" dalam menjabarkan subyek tunggal maupun jamak.

10. Where did they go after the lesson five minutes ago?

=> terkait waktu lampau=>five minutes  ago=>simple past

=>Gunakan auxiliary verb "did" dalam menjabarkan subyek tunggal maupun jamak.

Note :

Rumus konstruksi Verbal Wh-word  :

Wh-word+do/does/did+Subject+verb 1 + Complement?


SIMPLE PAST TENSE mendeskripsikan tindakan yang telah dimulai dan diselesaikan juga pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau . Durasi waktu kegiatan tidak ditentukan, bisa saja baru – baru ini telah terjadi dan kejadian yang memang sudah lama terjadi di masa lampau.

1. Pattern of Verbal Sentence

(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object/Complement  

(-) Subject + did + not + verb 1 + Object/ Complement

(?) Did+Subject+Verb 1 + Object/Complement ?

2. Pattern of nominal sentence :

(+) Subject + tobe ( was/were ) + noun/adjective/adverb

(-) Subject + tobe(was/were) + not + noun/adjective/adverb  

(?) tobe(was/were)+Subject + noun/adjective/adverb?


( Keterangan waktu identifikasi bentuk simple past)

1. Definite point in time ( waktu penentu jelas )

→ last week, yesterday, two years ago, last night, this morning

Example :


(+ ) She  met her friend this morning.


(+ ) I was in Paris last year.

2. An indefinite point in time ( dalam waktu yang tidak ditentukan )

→ a long time ago, the other day

Example :


(+ ) He lived with his grandparents  when he was young.    


(+) He was an army  a long time ago    

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE merupakan tenses yang menjabarkan fakta kebenaran umum, kebenaran yang tak terbatas dan aktivitas yang terus- menerus berulang  ( kebiasaan/habit/ daily routine )

Penggunaan keterangan frekuensi ( Adverb of frequency) sebagai identifikasi utama dalam menyatakan daily routine/habit/kebiasaan  :

Always, usually, often, everyday, seldom, rarely, daily, never, frequently, occasionally , ever, sometimes, regularly.


1. Rumus Simple present tense ( verbal sentence )

(+) Subject + Verb(s/es) + Object/C

(-)  Subject + do/does +not + Verb 1 + Object/C

(?) Do/does+ Subject + Verb 1 + Object/C?

Example :

(+ ) My daughter always goes to school by bike ( Habit/kebiasaan)

2. Rumus simple present tense ( nominal sentence )

(+ ) Subject + tobe(is/am/are) +noun/adjective/adverb

(- )  Subject + tobe(is/am/are) + not + noun/adjective/adverb

( ? ) tobe(is/am/are)+ subject +noun/adjective/adverb?

Example :

( + ) Dew is beautiful  ( penjabaran karakter, bagian sifat )


For more information, learn about the related topics :  ( definition of simple present ) ( the brief explanation of simple past )

Detail Answer

Level          : Jhs  (8)

Subject      : English

Category   : Parts of speech

Code         : 5

Categorization : 8.5.9 ( simple past ) 8.5.5 (simple present)

Keywords    =  Simple Past tense ; Simple present ; auxiliary verb ; do ; does ; did