Contoh kalimat showing care

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Contoh kalimat showing care

A : hi A ! how are you
B : hi A ! i am fine, thanks. 
A : but you look pale, what happen ?
B : I just not get enough sleep 
A : why ? you told me that you always sleep at 9 PM, that must be enough for rest time
B : yeah, but tonight is different, i can't sleep because i think about my bad math score
A : Oh, don't think too much about your score, the important thing is you won't repeat it again
B : you're right A
A : and, when you can't sleep, you should drink a glass of hot milk, that will help you to sleep
B : thanks, A

-Is everything fine?
-Are you sure ok?
-Whats the matter?
-Any problem with you?
-How do you do?