Ada yg bisa buat cerita tentang masa depan dalam bahasa inggris gk??????
This one came from the Future! He nyeritain Indonesia in 2020.Ane ane nyeritain story, this happened about a year ago. The time ane return to college, street meeting the father father daze. ane pas tau age about 40 epidemic, older-than-expected ane, his face clean, big smile. But then he was like confused environment.Samperin ane ganane: why sir? kayak bingung?Daze: yes maap deck, where ya this area?ane: This surabaya pack! deket ITS campus. (Ane gan its course in!)Daze: surabaya? why slum gini?ane: weve was like this from the first as well pack!Daze: ah ga possible, Surabaya clean anyway deck! cool cool.ane: where aja surabaya cool pack. from the first too hot, make lips make Dower pack!Daze: really weird huh?ane: weird how to pack? Finally after a long story ane, while sitting around drinking the ones from this gentleman asking for the date.Ane sebutin tuh date that day. er the father said ane crazy! Oh no you ni sarap ane says. ane then weve asked what date should pack? td in college attendance weve date that much anyway! taunya the father says "now tuh dated 2 February 2020 deck! Just see for HAPE father!"anjrrroooooot! ane gan shocked her phone clay! dipilem2 kayak, he ngeluarin of thin plastic fitting on the sign out the pictures! tpis really gan, sempet he lipet2 again! kept him liatin tuh date, "2 February 2020"Ane long story ampe Malem, and it turns out he emang of future gan!He tell us, in taon 2020, already ga gan no such thing as a beggar. Everyone is busy looking indo willing accept donations. ane ga sempet still believe. tp dy Indonesia photo photo liatin future. and ane stunned. HAPE tu ga gan signal! ha ha. bankrupt times already on the phone provider. all direct signal satellite phone he said. internet and online instantly.Continue his father's story again, in 2012, the very prosperous Indonesia.Fair leader. ga korrupsi like the gayus tuh! "Gaius know why the father?" Iyalah wong I also will never be living in the year 2011 the deck, he said.Free education until S1 deck. Alhmdulillah, when all countries again retreat. Indonesia only advanced, agriculture, health, industry, mining, technology. everything is held by Indonesia.Moreover, the military! already not in question and the deck.In place of the father there, a tsunami could wrote in gagalin. wah bin woow anyway. and more powerful. already ga tuh name clashes between residents especially among religions.All on hand.If you should say in the 2020 epidemic berubahannya many deck-kemiskinan on deck aside. weve state tax on the poor all.Free medicine, security is guaranteed.-korupsi completed. masyakatnya already at all aware and afraid of the law. instrumentalities fair and firm.-UUD Ga who dared break. in fear and obey the deck.-ilmu easy to get, just tap out deh-the indon so ga cepet emosian too.-and most importantly deck. social get along, interfaith bowing. ga already know sukuan tribe again. lucky deh can nyaksiin Indonesia in 2020.The strongest and most prosperous country in the world. but great. people we ga arrogant deck. frequent donations abroad. American kayak yesterday tuh. downfall really big asteroid! segede Madura island asterodinya deck! and the first nolong who try? yes we have orng Indonesia. the other on the same drug with food aid. Indonesia just take a pill wrote there. use only one pill per person, full day, and if sick healed directly. already was really hebatlah our nation.And adek know why Indonesia could be so?Ane gan his head !! So super cepet banged country !! power only 8 taon?Because Revolution deck. precisely ia revolution in 2013 deck. all moves. on down to the street, there are buangin trash. buangin corrupt. there are ngsih donation here and there. adek know who the main mover? ane gan his head again again! This one deck. he ngeliatin picture to ane! ane shocked. ane because people know this. * Who behold? *Indonesia can not go forward without starting from ourselves gan! Let achieve super Indonesia 2020.may be too impossible. tp be impossible if we ga begin today.
Example :
"There is something bothering me…
why would someone kill someone else before? like the old times, when world war 1 and 2… it's was so cruel to any other human as well. imagine, when our country is on war with the other country, who is the one who get affected? the small people will get badly affected. the one who still doesn't understand what 'war' mean, will get pretty killed. and do you think it is alright? does it have a positive side of it??
it's a no, right?
now, let's forget about the old times…
we live in the future now.., no more war and no more blood.
our country is free from the war and we get pretty safe right now.
we're still can be friend with the other friends from the other country.
the world is peaceful like this, right?
so, do you prefer the peaceful world or the crumbling world?? 🙂 "
^_^ semoga dapat membantu