Tuliskan isi pembukaan UUD 1945 dlm bhs inggris

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Tuliskan isi pembukaan UUD 1945 dlm bhs inggris

Klo ada yg slah maklumin aj,,,kn gw jga manusia,,,

1945 opening

"That real freedom is the right of every nation and therefore, the occupation over the world should be abolished because it does not comply with humanity and perikeadilan."
"And the struggle for Indonesian independence movement had reached the happy moment safely deliver prosperous people of Indonesia to the front gate of the independence of Indonesia, independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous."
"In the grace of Allah Almighty and with didorongkan by the noble desire, so berkehidupan free nationalities, the people of Indonesia hereby declare independence."
"Then instead of it to form a government of Indonesia that protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire country of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation, and participate in implementing world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice, then drafted the independence of Indonesian nationality it is a Constitution of the state of Indonesia, which is formed in an arrangement of the Republic of Indonesia the sovereignty of the people based on:
Belief in the one and only God,
just and civilized humanity,
Indonesian unity, and democracy led by the wisdom in a consultative / representative,
and by fostering a social justice for all Indonesian people. "