After I arrived, I decided to take a shower and rest for a while.
Then, I took a trip with our quide to explore some of the islands around Karimunjawa.
The next morning, we went snorkeling and explored more of the island.
we had fun, we also ate good food. On the last day. I went shopping for some souvenirs
From the text above!
1. Write down 3 sentences in Simple Past Tense!
2.Write down 3 verbs in Past from(Verb 2)!
Questions 3 to 5 are out of the text!
3. Write down the purpose of Recount text!(English)
4. Write down the organization of the text (stuktur teks)of Recount!
5.Give the definition of: (In English)
[please sis]
The first day, I arrived at Karimunjawa Harbor at 10.00 after 12 hours of traveling by bus and ferry.
– I arrived at Karimunjawa Harbor at 10.00 after 12 hours of traveling by bus and ferry.
– After I arrived, I decided to take a shower and rest for a while.
– We had fun, we also ate good food.
2. Arrived, Decided, Ate.