Sung by Michael Jackson
Like a comet, blazing 'cross the evening sky Gone too soon
Like a rainbow, fading in the twinkling of an eye Gone too soon
Shiny and sparklyand splendidly bright, here one day Gone one night
Like the loss of sunlight on a cloudy afternoon Gone too soon
Like a castle, built upon a sandy beach Gone too soon
Like a perfect flower that is just beyond your reach Gone too soon
Born to amuse, to inspire to delight, here one day Gone one night
Like a sunset, dying with the rising of the moon Gone too soon
Gone too soon
35. "Born #to amuse# to inspire to delight, here one day"
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. To make happy
B. To trust something
C. To help every one
D. To sing a song
E. To struggle
Gone Too Soon
35. A. To make happy
To amuse bersinonim to entertain dengan arti yang sama yaitu untuk menghibur. Seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu yang menghibur tentu saja akan merasa senang.