What is the Generic Structure of the

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How to Make Bregedel Tempe
Crippy Hark Brown Recipe
The ingredients ?
150 g tempa
1 tablespoon flour
1 e99
1 spoon Royco
1 cup vegetable ol for frying
3 tbsp olive oil, canola ol. or grape seed ol 1 b
Runel backing potatoes, peeled and grated, sot
and pepper
The instructions
Mash the tempe wo o forte.
2. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with
the flour and Royce, followed by an egg
3. Shope the tempe into the side of o gol bol
and flatten a little with a fonte
4 Heat the vegetable al in a medium flame.
When the ol k hot drop the tempe into the ol
five or six ot a time.
5. Fry unta golden brown on both sides, drain
on absorbert paper and serve hot with chilor
1 Heat 3 tbsp of ol in a lorge frying ponon
medium heat
2 Squeeze out as much moisture as you can
from the groted potatoes it's easier to do
this with potatoes ricer. If you dont hove
you can use paper towel to squeeze
3. Add the grated potatoes on the hot frying
pan spread them out along the bottom of
the pan. Sprinkle-some salt and pepper on
the potatoes. If they have been tried to
golden brown they are ready for a flip.
4. Continue to cook until they are golden
brown on the bottom
S. Put them on the serving plate. Serve for 4
Source impreshcouzecom?<exto procedeelet
A. Goal – Equipment – Steps
B. Goal – Materials – Steps
C. Goal – Materials – Resolution
D. Goal – Ingredients – Resolution​

What is the Generic Structure of the


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