1.What is the story about? 2. Who are the characters of the story? How does Cinderella look like? With whom did she live? Who helped Cinderella to attend the party? How did Cinderella go to the party? Why couldn’t Cinderella attend the party? 8 How did the prince find Cinderella? 9 Can the prince marry Cinderella? 10 How does the story end?

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1.What is the story about? 2. Who are the characters of the story? How does Cinderella look like? With whom did she live? Who helped Cinderella to attend the party? How did Cinderella go to the party? Why couldn't Cinderella attend the party? 8 How did the prince find Cinderella? 9 Can the prince marry Cinderella? 10 How does the story end?

1.What is the story about? 2. Who are the characters of the story? How does Cinderella look like? With whom did she live? Who helped Cinderella to attend the party? How did Cinderella go to the party? Why couldn’t Cinderella attend the party? 8 How did the prince find Cinderella? 9 Can the prince marry Cinderella? 10 How does the story end?


1. Cerita tentang apa? 2. Siapa sajakah tokoh-tokoh cerita tersebut? Bagaimana rupa Cinderella? Dengan siapa dia tinggal? Siapa yang membantu Cinderella menghadiri pesta? Bagaimana Cinderella pergi ke pesta? Mengapa Cinderella tidak bisa menghadiri pesta? 8 Bagaimana pangeran menemukan Cinderella? 9 Bisakah pangeran menikahi Cinderella? 10 Bagaimana akhir cerita?

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