Independence Activity 11 Find the meaning of the following words based on the context on the passage. Then, write down them in the table based on the group. disease illness, something wrong in human body treatment injured categorize = treat intensive surgery ward maternity specialize pediatric obstetric pregnant orthopedic Noun Verb Adjective disease categorize injured​

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Independence Activity 11 Find the meaning of the following words based on the context on the passage. Then, write down them in the table based on the group. disease illness, something wrong in human body treatment injured categorize = treat intensive surgery ward maternity specialize pediatric obstetric pregnant orthopedic Noun Verb Adjective disease categorize injured​

Independence Activity 11 Find the meaning of the following words based on the context on the passage. Then, write down them in the table based on the group. disease illness, something wrong in human body treatment injured categorize = treat intensive surgery ward maternity specialize pediatric obstetric pregnant orthopedic Noun Verb Adjective disease categorize injured​

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Terdapat 3 kategori dalam bahasa Inggris, yakni noun, verb, dan adjective.

Noun atau disebut kata benda merupakan kata yang mengacu atau menunjukkan kepada tempat, benda, orang, peristiwa, hingga kualitas.

Verb atau disebut kata kerja merupakan jenis kata yang menjelaskan aktivitas, tindakan, kondisi, maupun pengalaman.

Adjective atau disebut kata sifat adalah kata yang menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan sifat dari kata benda atau noun.

Treatment: medication, therapy, cure, healining , action to treat or cure some desease.

Injured:hurt, hurt badly due to incident commonly.

Categorized: category, grouped or difference based category or the same chacacteristic.

Treat: deal with, make, handle, carry out, manage, action to take or to deal with.

Intensive: thorough, in-depth, concentrated, all-inclusive, action to do more detail or thoroughly.

Surgery: operation, the branch of medical practice to treat injuries, diseases by phisical removal, repair or readjustment involving cutting into the body.

Ward:Room, compartment, unit, a separate room in hospital

Maternity: Motherhood, Motherliness, the process when woman become mother by giving a birth of a child.

Specialize: Specific, particular, exclusive, difference by the unique and specific detail.

Pediatric: Infant/ children medical, the medicine branch that involves the medical care of infants, children, and teenager.

Obstetric: midwifery, tocology, the medicine branch concentrate on pregnancy, childbirth and postpatrum period.

Pregnant:expectant, gestation, having a child or developing child through the uterus.

Orthopedic:orthopaedic, the medicine branch treat the bones or muscles correction.


Ketiga jenis kata tersebut (Noun, Verb, dan Adjective) umumnya dibedakan menjadi beberapa macam jenis, yang dibedakan berdasarkan kata yang digunakan.

  • Noun

Dalam noun atau kata benda, dibedakan lagi menjadi:

  1. Countable noun, merupakan benda yang bisa dihitung
  2. Uncountable noun merupakan benda yang tidak bisa dihitung.
  3. Concrete noun merupakan benda yang mempunyai bentuk.
  4. Abstract noun merupakan kata benda yang menje sifat, ide, atau keadaan.

Contoh Noun berdasarkan kategorinya:

Countable noun: Computer, Book, Tree, Car, Glass. (Yesterday, I borrowed my father's car for vacation).

Uncountable noun: Fire, Water, Milk, Sand, Dust. (I always drink coffee every morning).

Concrete noun: Paper, Desk, Chair, Pen, Sugar. (That chair is made from plastic)

Abstract noun: Happiness, Idea, honesty, kindness. (She always become kind girl).

  • Verb

Verb  umumnya dibedakan menjadi beberapa macam, yaitu:

Regular verb, ialah kata kerja  yang mempunyai bentuk verb-2 dan verb-3 yang diikuti oleh akhiran -d atau -ed untuk memperlihatkan waktu yang lampau atau  telah terjadi.

Irregular verb, ialah bentuk kata kerja verb-2 dan verb-3 yang bentuk katanya bisa menjadi berbagai macam bentuk, selanjutnya untuk menunjukkan aktivitas yang telah terjadi di waktu lampau.

Action verb ialah bentuk kata kerja yang memperlihatkan aksi atau hal yang dilakukan.

Contoh Kata Kerja dan penggunaan kalimatnya:

– Regular verb: deliver menjadi delivered, decide menjadi decided (Yesterday, I delivered food from house to the office).

– Irregular verb: see menjadi saw, feel menjadi felt, send menjadi sent, write menjadi wrote (Last night I wrote a letter to my friend in Korea).

Action verb: Eat, run, jump, drink (We need to drink enough water to stay heatlhy).

  • Adjective

Berbeda hal nya dengan noun dan verb, adjective tidak dibagi menjadi beberapa macam atau kategori adjective.

Karena kata sifat fungsinya untuk memberikan keterangan untuk pronoun atau kata ganti.

Contoh dan penggunaan adjective:

– Adjective: Smart, Beautiful, quick, big (The girl over there is smart and beautiful girl).

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