Buatlah cerita pendek tentang SEPEDA atau BERMAIN SEPEDA, menggunakan kalimat passive, minimal 5 kalimat

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bahasa inggris.​

Buatlah cerita pendek tentang SEPEDA atau BERMAIN SEPEDA, menggunakan kalimat passive, minimal 5 kalimat


  1. I play bicycle with friends
  2. my friend and I were playing bicycles and I fell and I was helped by my friend named ami
  3. I cycled around the beautiful and peaceful village there was heavy rain
  4. there was a very old hut, my friends and I took shelter there until it rained
  5. in the plague I came home with a happy atmosphere


maaf itu cuma 4 yang satu mikir yaa

good morning bayy

I like to ride a bicycle because it’s so poggers