Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses !

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1. he (live) in Bali with his family three years ago.
2. the customer (wait) in the waiting room now.
3. we (move) to new house next year.
4. while tina was cooking in the kitchen yesterday morning, her friend (come) to her house.
5. we (expect) to make an executive complex in jakarta.

Mohon bantuannya kak dikumpulkan hari ini

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses !

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Subject : English

Category : Structure

Level : JHS, SHS

Code : 5

Keywords : ago, now, next year, while


Tense adalah bentuk-bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kapan kegiatan tersebut dilakukan pada saaut diucapkan.  

Terdapat 16 tense dalam bahasa Inggris.


Answers :

1. He LIVED in Bali with his family three years ago.

Ago berarti yang lalu. Menandakan waktu lampau. Gunakan past simple tense (S + v₂)

2. The customer IS WAITING in the waiting room now.  

Now berarti sekarang. Gunakan present progressive tense (S + am/is/are + v-ing)

3. We ARE GOING TO MOVE to new house next year.

Next berarti yang akan datang. Gunakan future simple tense (S + am/is/are + going to + v₁)

4. While Tina was cooking in the kitchen yesterday morning, her friend CAME to her house.  

Yesterday berarti kemarin. Gunakan past simple tense.

5. We ARE EXPECTED to make an executive complex in Jakarta.

Tidak ada penanda waktu dalam kalimat di atas. Jadi saya menggunakan present simple dalam bentuk pasif karena "kami diharapkan untuk membuat" bukan "kami mengharapkan untuk membuat".