Bantu jawab yah, soalnya besok di kumpulin

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Bantu jawab yah, soalnya besok di kumpulin

Bantu jawab yah, soalnya besok di kumpulin

12. Past tense
11. Paragraph 1 introduce the landmark in brief especially the etymology of its name
Paragraph 2, e describing the layout of the landmark
The next paragraph describing the history of the building
10. Describing the building and its history
9. The underground tunnel
8. The old and interesting building divided by several section: building A, B also C and D
7. Cosman Citroen
6. The building is on Jalan Pemuda, facing the Tugu Muda round about, close to Semarang's city center.
5. By 2009 the Lawang Sewu complex was in a state of considerable dilapidation
4. The name Lawang Sewu is from Javanese; it means "Thousand Doors".
3. Lawang Sewu
2. The building is on Jalan Pemuda, facing the Tugu Muda round about, close to Semarang's city center.
1. Lawang Sewu
Another example: Ampera Bridge in Palembang, Jam Gadang in Padang,