A food chain shows how energy flows through an ecosystem. Make a food chain and explain the organisms (producer and the consumer 1, 2 or 3)!

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tlong jwb kaa

A food chain shows how energy flows through an ecosystem. Make a food chain and explain the organisms (producer and the consumer 1, 2 or 3)!

A food chain shows how energy flows through an ecosystem. Make a food chain and explain the organisms (producer and the consumer 1, 2 or 3)!



producer : grass (energy that they have = 100)

consumer 1 : grasshopper (energy that they got from grass/producer = 50)

consumer 2 : insect-eating bird / insectivorous bird (energy that they got from grasshopper/consumer 1 = 25)

consumer 3 : eagle (energy that they got from insect-eating bird/consumer 2 = 10)

The energy is lost as heat into the environment, so the consumers need to get more energy by eating more

Bahasa Indonesia:

produsen : rumput (energi yang mereka punya = 100)

konsumen 1 : jangrik (energi yang mereka dapat dari rumput/produsen = 50)

konsumen 2 : burung pemakan serangga (energi yang mereka dapat dari jangkrik/konsumen 1 =25)

konsumen 3 : burung elang (energi yang mereka dapat dari burung pemakan serangga/konsumen 2 = 10)

Energi hilang sebagai panas ke lingkungan, sehingga konsumen perlu mendapatkan lebih banyak energi dengan makan lebih banyak


English :

The animals and energy is just for visuals example

Bahasa Indonesia :

Hewan and energi yang di sebutkan hanya untuk visual dan contoh