1. Who is Lusia?

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2. What does they refer to? See the last sentences of the third paragraph.
3. What kind of dance does she prefer?
How did she become very popular?
5. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
6. Why does the audience like her performance?
7. what is her experience?
8. what is a good title of the text above?
9. what doest the text describe ? person or thing?
10. what kind of person is she?

1. Who is Lusia?

1. Who is Lusia?

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Descriptive Text


  1. Who is Lusia? Lusia is the writer's classmate
  2. What does they refer to?See the last sentences of the second paragraph! The word they refers to audience
  3. What kind of dance does she prefer?  She prefers traditional dances to modern ones
  4. How did she become very popular? She has appeared many times in formal ceremonies so she is very famous in her school.
  5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? She has appeared many times in formal ceremonies.
  6. Why does the audience like her performance? Because every time she performs the dance on the stage, she always gives her best performance to her audience so they really enjoy her dance
  7. What is her experience? She often performs abroad as a member of Indonesia cultural delegations
  8. What is a good title of the text above? Lusia
  9. What does the text describe?person or thing? The text describes a person
  10. What kind of a person is she? She is very beautiful and friendly. Her hair is as long as her shoulders. She is very energetic. She is very active in her school and takes some extracurricular subjects.


Teks di atas termasuk jenis teks descriptive. Descriptive Text merupakan salah satu jenis text dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menggambarkan dengan jelas sifat-sifat yang melekat pada sesuatu, baik itu manusia, hewan, tumbuhan mau pun benda mati. Tujuan dari teks ini adalah memberikan informasi dengan jelas mengenai objek yang digambarkan kepada pembaca.  

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text  

  • Identification => bagian ini, terletak pada paragraf pertama, tujuannya adalah untuk mengidentifikasi suatu objek yang ingin dideskripsikan. Indentification berfungsi untuk memperkenalkan kepada pembaca tentang objek yang akan kita jelaskan, sebelum kita memberitahu tentang lebih rinci mengenai objek tersebut pada paragraf selanjutnya.  
  • Description => bagian ini, terletak pada paragraf kedua dan seterusnya, berisi tentang sifat-sifat yang melekat pada sesuatu yang sudah kamu kenalkan pada pembaca pada paragraf pertama.  

Language Features of Descriptive Text  

  • Menggunakan Simple Present Tense  

Teks ini menggunakan Simple Present Tense karena kita akan mendiskripsikan fakta-fakta yang melekat pada suatu objek, dan salah fungsi dari Simple Present Tense sendiri adalah untuk menunjukkan suatu fakta atau kebenaran.  

Perhatikan bentuk present pada teks berikut ini!

Lusia is my classmate. She is very beautiful and friendly. Her hair is as long as her shoulders. She is very energetic. She is very active in her school and takes some extracurricular subjects. One of them is dancing. She has been practicing dance since she was six years old. She can dance both traditional and modern dances, but she prefers traditional dances to modern ones. Her favorite dance is Pakarena dance. It is from Makassar. Every time she performs the dance on the stage, she always gives her best performance to her audience so they really enjoy her dance. So far, she has appeared may times in formal ceremonies so she is very famous in our school. She often performs abroad as a member of Indonesia cultural delegations. Someday, she dreams to become a well-known dancer and if she has enough money, she will own a dancing company.

  • Menggunakan banyak kata sifat (adjective).  

Karena fungsi dari teks ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi dengan menggambarkan suatu objek yang dideskripsikan, maka dalam Descriptive Text akan banyak dijumpai kata sifat (adjective). Contohnya adalah big, small, colorful, dan lain sebagainya.  

  • Menggunakan kata kerja penghubung (relating verb).  

Relating verb adalah kata kerja yang memberikan penjelasan kepada kata benda yang menjadi subjek dari suatu kalimat. Contohnya: is, have, seem, appear, dan kata kerja lainnya.  







Kelas : 8  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 3  

Kode: 8 .5.3  
