C.Rewrite theese sentences using present perfect continuous

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1.He went to Australia there years ago
2.I have yoga exercise most weekends
3.He is here ​

C.Rewrite theese sentences using present perfect continuous


1. He's been going to Australia since three years ago.

2. I've been doing yoga exercise most weekends.

3. He's been here.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Present perfect continuous = a continuous activity that's been done for a long time (aktivitas yang masih dilakukan, tapi udah dari lama dilakuinnya)

Grammar :

I/we/you/they/(dua nama orang atau lebih) + HAVE been (kata kerja)-ing

She/he/it/(satu nama orang) + HAS been (kata kerja)-ing


– If you wish to indicate a time someone has started doing the activities they're still doing in the present time, use "since" before adding the time (kalau kamu mau nambahin waktu seseorang udh mulai ngelakuin aktivitas yang dia lakuin sampai sekarang, pakai "since" (arti=sejak) sebelum nambahin waktu. Example: I've been doing …. since 2 years ago (aku udh lama dan masih ngelakuin …. sejak 2 tahun yang lalu)

– If you wanna use adjective LIKE for the 3rd question (kalau kamu mau pake kata sifat SEPERTI di pertanyaan nomor 3), (kata kerja)-ing-nya hilangkan dan pake kata sifat (remove the (verb)-ing and replace it with the adjective), for example: I've been so tired (aku udah lama kelelahan).