The Little Girl and The Wolt

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One affernoon, a big wolf waited in the dark forest for a little girl to come along carryino a basket of food to her grand mother. Finally, the littie girt came along and she was carrying

a basket of food. "Are you carrying that basket to your grandmother?" asked the wolf. The littie girl said yes she was. So the wolf asked her where her grandmother lived and the little girl told him and he disappeared into the woods.

When the Iittle girl opened the door of her grandmother's house, she saw there was somebody in bed with a nightcap and nightgown on. She had approached no nearer thar twenty-five feet from the bed when she saw that it was not her grandmother but the wolf, for even in nightcap a wolf doesn't look anymore like your grandmother than Metro-Goldwvn lion looks like Calvin Coolidge. So the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf dead.

1. The setting of the story is….

a. In village

. In a castle

b.In the forest d. In a town

2. pretended to be the grandmother

a. The gin

c. The wolt

b. Someone

d. Stranger

3. The girl killed the wolf by ..

a. beating it

b. shooting it

c. using a sword

d. asking someone to kill it



One aftemoon, a big wolf waited in the dark forest for a little girf to come along carrying a basket of food to her grand mother (p. 1). This part of the sentence is called..

a. Complication c. Orientation

b. Evaluation

d. Re-orientation

5. The text mostly written in

a. present tense c. future tense

b. past tense d. passive form
A group of frogs were travelling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit.-10.

When the other frog saws how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they w.- as good as dead Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died

The other frogs continued to jump as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was eaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

6. The two frogs .. while they were travelling.

a. skipped into a deep pit

b. jumped into a deep pit

c. fell into a deep pit

d. played in a deep pit

The other frogs.. when the two frogs tried to jump up out of the pit

a. helped the two frogs

b. yelled at the frogs to give up

c. ignored the two frogs

d. asked for a help from other frogs

8. The best lesson suited to the story is

a. There is power of life and death in the tongue

b. Be careful of what you say.


C. Don't judge the book from its cover.

d. A great talker is a great liar.

9. A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. This part of the sentence is called..

a. Orientation c. Resolution

b. Evaluation

d. Re-orientation

10. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. The synonym of the underlined word is

a. Kept

c. Found

b. Stopped

d. Run


An apple is an example of a pome, a fleshy fruit composed of a mature ovary along with other enlarged parts of the flower. In an apple the white, edible parts of the petals and sepals surround the ovary.

The apple tree is widely cultivated throughout temperate regions of the world for its juicy, edible pome. The many varieties of apples have been popular for centuries and growers have selectively bred certain superior wild varieties for domestication and mass production.

2 The text talks about

a. how to cultivate apple

b. how to cook apple

c. its about apple 2 d. taste of apple

23. is enfolding the ovary.

a. fleshy fruit

b. mature ovary

c. edible pome

d. edible part of the petals and sepals 3

24 The apple could be cultivated at.

a. desert

c. the South Pole

b. the North Pole d. the moderate place (y . The synonym of "growers" is..

a. farmer

c. farm

b. land

d. fertilizer​​

The Little Girl and The Wolt


1. A 11.C 21.A

2.A 12.D 22.B

3.C 13.D 23.C

4.B 14.A 24.D

5.D 15.A

6.B 16.B

7.B 17.B

8.C 18.C

9.A 19.C

10.D 20.C


maaf kalao salahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh