Changes these sentences into passive form

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1. The tiges catch the mouse in the jungle.

2. A beautiful girl pick a good flower

3. Tiara write a story in the book.

4. She make a cup of tea.

5. He learn English in the garden.​

Changes these sentences into passive form


1. rats in the forest were caught by tigers

mean :tikus di hutan ditangkap oleh harimau

2.beautiful flower picked by a beautiful girl

mean :bunga yg indah dipetik oleh seorang gadis cantik

3.story book written by tiara

mean :buku cerita ditulis oleh tiara

4.a cup of tea she made

mean: secangkir teh yg dibuat dia

5. in the park he studied english

mean: di taman dia belajar bahasa inggris

kalimat pasif otu kalimat subjek nya menerima kegiatan jadi subjek nya menerima kegiatan bukan melakukan gitu.