Put the following direct sentences into reported speech

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1. a. tika said,"I don't like fish."
b. _______________

2. a. the manager said to santi," I employ you."
b. _______________

3. a. the teacher told the students, " you have to collect the assignment on November 10."
b. ________________

4. a. Rudi said, " My mother is leaving for jakarta soon."
b. _________________

5. a. Sasha told Iman, " You need to plan the program carefully."
b. __________________

6. a. Narti said, " The school is organizing a trip for the students of year 10 only."

secepatnya ya menjawabnya!!!
beserta terjemahnya!!!!

Put the following direct sentences into reported speech

1. a. tika said,"I don't like fish."
b. tika said that she doesn't like fish (tika mengatakan bahwa ia tidak suka ikan)

2. a. the manager said to santi," I employ you."
b. the manager said to santi that he/she employ santi (pak manajer mengatakan kepada santi bahwa ia memperkerjakan santi)

3. a. the teacher told the students, " you have to collect the assignment on November 10."
b. the teacher told the students that they had to collect the assignment on November 10 (guru mengatakan kepada murid bahwa mereka harus mengumpulkan tugas pada 10 November)

4. a. Rudi said, " My mother is leaving for jakarta soon."
b. Rudi said that his mother was leaving for jakarta soon. (Rudi mengatakan bahwa ibunya meninggalkan jakarta segera)

5. a. Sasha told Iman, " You need to plan the program carefully."
b. Sasha told Iman that he need to plan the program carefully (Sasha mengatakan kepada Iman bahwa dia harus merencakan program itu dengan hati-hati)

6. a. Narti said, " The school is organizing a trip for the students of year 10 only."
b.Narti said that the school was organizing a trip for the students of year 10 only.(Narti mengatakan bahwa pihak sekolah mengatur sebuah perjalanan hanya untuk murid kelas 10)

maaf kalo salah :p