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Activity 1
Read the following text and then answer the following questions!
Calendar is a system of measuring time for the needs of civil life, by dividine
days, weeks, months, and years, Calendar division are based on the movements of the can
the regular appearances of the sun and the moon.
the average time required for the rotation of the earth on its axis. The
measurement of year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun and is called a
seasonal, tropical, and solar year contains 365 days, S hours, 48 minutes and 42,
A month was originally calculated by ancient people as the time between
hot days required for the moon to circle the earth (29.5 days). This measurements,
called a synodic, or lunar month, resulted in a lunar year 354 days 1 4 day
year. In modern calendars, however, the number of the days in a month is
phases of the moon. The length of the month is approximately one-twenu
days) and 15 usted to fit the months into solar vear The week was derived tom
Judeo-Chistian tradition requiring rest from labor every seventh day. It is not based in a natura
phenomenon. The Romans named the days of the week in honor of the sun, moon and variou
1. How could the calendar be divided?
2. What is the definition from day?!
3. What is year measurement got?
4. How was a month divided by ancieni people?
3. How many days do a lunar have?
6. What was the week derived from?
7. How did the Roman name the days?
8. How many days does a solar year have?
Activity 2
State weather true or false the following statements!
1. Calendar is a system of measuring time for the needs of civil life.
2. A solar year contains 354 days.
3. A lunar year contains 365 days.
4. The month was calculated by ancient people as the time of the full moon.
5. The week was based on the natural phenomenon.
6 Solar year is shorter than the lunar year.
7. Solar year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun
8. The week was derived from the Judeo Christian tradition​


Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Calendar is a system of measuring time for the needs of civil life, by dividine  days, weeks, months, and years, Calendar division are based on the movements of the regular appearances of the sun and the moon.  The average time required for the rotation of the earth on its axis. The  measurement of year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun and is called a  seasonal, tropical, and solar year contains 365 days, S hours, 48 minutes and 42.

A month was originally calculated by ancient people as the time between  hot days required for the moon to circle the earth (29.5 days). This measurements,  called a synodic, or lunar month, resulted in a lunar year 354 days 1 4 day  year. In modern calendars, however, the number of the days in a month is  phases of the moon. The length of the month is approximately one-twenty  days) and 15 used to fit the months into solar year The week was derived tom  Judeo-Chistian tradition requiring rest from labor every seventh day. It is not based in a natura
l phenomenon. The Romans named the days of the week in honor of the sun, moon and variou
s planets

1. How could the calendar be divided?   by the regular appearances of Sun and Moon

2. What is the definition from day?  The  measurement of year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun and is called a  seasonal, tropical, and solar year contains 365 days, S hours, 48 minutes and 42.

3. What is year measurement got?  the measurement of day, week, month and year.

4. How was a month divided by ancient people?  the time between  hot days required for the moon to circle the earth (29.5 days)

5. How many days do a lunar have?
354 days

6. What was the week derived from?  It was derived from Judeo – Christian Tradition

7. How did the Roman name the days?  Roman named the days in honor of sun, moon and various planets.

8. How many days does a solar year have?  365 days

Activity 2

State weather true or false the following statements!

1. Calendar is a system of measuring time for the needs of civil life.  T

2. A solar year contains 354 days.  F

3. A lunar year contains 365 days.  F

4. The month was calculated by ancient people as the time of the full moon.  F

5. The week was based on the natural phenomenon. F

6 Solar year is shorter than the lunar year.  F

7. Solar year is based on one revolution of the earth around the sun. T

8. The week was derived from the Judeo Christian tradition​ T


Dalam menjawab soal Reading comprehension, anda harus dapat memahami soalnya dahulu. Apa yang ditanyakan baru anda cari dalam teks. Cara ini bisa membantu anda mempersingkat waktu pengerjaan. Kemudian jika yang ditanyakan adalah sebuah main idea, maka hanya baca kalimat pertama dan kedua dalam setiap paragrafnya.

Terimakasih. Semoga membantu 🙂

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

1. Contoh Bacaan dan Soal Reading Comprehension – brainly.co.id/tugas/12473427

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Kelas: SMA

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Reading Comprehension

Kata kunci: Calendar