1. Answer the questions below with the correct answer! 1 x How are you? Y I am ten years old 2. Tomy is my student is very smart 3. Mona What your hobby? My hobby is reading a story book 4. Merry has a ruler. ruler is long S. The students have a ball They play with ball 6. The teacher write in the whiteboard using a 7. X. How many maps are there in the classroom? Y two maps in the classroom R. Robby: are there twenty tables in your classroom Alexa yes 9. The students sweep the floor using a 10. The student clean the dust on the window using a

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dikumpulkan jam 6 plees kakak yang bisa bantu
aku kasih poin deh kalau bener​

1. Answer the questions below with the correct answer! 1 x How are you? Y I am ten years old 2. Tomy is my student is very smart 3. Mona What your hobby? My hobby is reading a story book 4. Merry has a ruler. ruler is long S. The students have a ball They play with ball 6. The teacher write in the whiteboard using a 7. X. How many maps are there in the classroom? Y two maps in the classroom R. Robby: are there twenty tables in your classroom Alexa yes 9. The students sweep the floor using a 10. The student clean the dust on the window using a


1. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar! 1x Apa kabar? YAku sepuluh tahun 2. Tomy adalah muridku yang sangat pintar 3. Mona Apa hobimu? Hobi saya membaca buku cerita 4. Merry memiliki penggaris. penggaris panjang S. Siswa memiliki bola Mereka bermain dengan bola 6. Guru menulis di papan tulis menggunakan 7. X. Berapa banyak peta yang ada di kelas? Y dua peta di kelas R. Robby: apakah ada dua puluh meja di kelasmu Alexa ya 9. Siswa menyapu lantai menggunakan 10. Siswa membersihkan debu di jendela menggunakan


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