1. Ahmad is going to join a Javanese singing competition to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day. Fitri wants to express her hope for Ahmad’s accomplishment. What will Fitri possibly say ? *

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a. I hope you will win someday.
b. Warmest congratulations on your achievement.
c.I hope you"ll be the winner of the competition.
d. Thank you for joning the competition.
2.Your father has just got a promotion as a marketing manager. What might you say to congratulate him? *
a. Thank you for wishing me so.
b. It really isn't anything special.
c. That's awesome. You deserve it
d.How nice of you to think so
3.Ali : "Who won the football match yesterday, Hasan? Hadi : "our team did. We won four to one. Wasn't that cool?" Ali : Well done ! I'm so happy to hear that." Hadi:……… What response matches best with Aiman's compliments? *
a. It's nice of you to say so, thanks.
b. That's too bad
c.Please, wish us luck
d. No worries.Just forget it
4.Shinta : You sing like a singer …….. Nuri : Thank you.That's very nice of you. *
a. I'm sure you will get a very big applause
b. You are a good student
c. I'm sorry
d. Congratulate to Nuri
5. Nada : Adi, that's a beautiful picture . I'm sure Tinta will like it. Ade : …….. *
a. Wish me luck
b. Happy birthday
c. Thanks.I hope so too
d. Never mind
6. Arrange the words to make a good sentence ! (1) your -(2) Congratulations – (3) exam – (4) on -(5) passing *
a. 2 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 4
b. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5
c. 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3
d. 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3
7. Dita : How is your work? Ana : I have finished my first novel. Dita : …….. *
a. Well done! You did it
b. Thank you
c. I hope it"s fine
d. Oh my God
Yang lain:
8. Dika : I won the competition yesterday. Hendri : Really ? That's very great. Please accept my warmest congratulations. Dika : ……….. Hendri : You are welcome! *
a. That's very great
b. I hope you say so
c. Oh, don't mention it
d. Thanks for saying so
Yang lain:
9. A : I heard your basketball team won the first prize, really? B. : …………………… *
a. Congratulations
b. Thank you
c. Very proud of you
d. You are right
Yang lain:
10. Adam : I failed my test yesterday, I only go in my score . Jordan : ………………………….. *
a. You must be very upset
b. It sounds nice!
c. Thank you
d.That's great

Tolong bantu kak plisss:(mau ditumpuk besok​

1. Ahmad is going to join a Javanese singing competition to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day. Fitri wants to express her hope for Ahmad’s accomplishment. What will Fitri possibly say ? *


1. C

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. C

6. D

7. A

8. D

9. D

10. A


Kalo salah maaf, semoga membantu sedikit atau kalo bisa banyak 🙂

Jangan lupa jadiin jawaban terbaik ya! hehe :V










