Bntu jawab
soal mapel bahasa inggris besok di kumpulkan
1. Aku adalah anak laki-laki pendek sepuluh tahun lalu
(+) I was a short boy ten years ago
(-) I was not a short boy ten years ago
(?) was I a short boy ten years ago?
2. Mereka nakal tahun lalu
(+) They were naughty last year
(-) They were not naughty last year
(?) were they naughty last year?
3. Dia adalah seorang gadis yang cantik bulan lalu
(+) she was a pretty girl last month
(-) she was not a pretty girl last month
(?) was she a pretty girl last month?
4. Ada tiga tikus kemarin
(+) there were three mice yesterday
(-) there were not three mice yesterday
(?) were there three mice yesterday?
5. Jane dan sherly adalah teman baikku tiga minggu yang lalu
(+) jane and sherly were my best friends three weeks ago
(-) Jane and sherly were not my best friends three weeks ago
(?) were jane and sherly my best friend three weeks ago?
6. kamu adalah murid yang cerdas dua tahun yang lalu
(+) you were a clever student two years ago
(-) you were not a clever student two years ago
(?) were you a clever student two years ago?
7. Ini adalah meja besar minggu lalu
(+) this was a big table last week
(-) this was not a big table last week
(?) was this a big table last week?
8. Tuan Frans adalah seorang penjahit berpengalaman lima tahun yang lalu
(+) Mr. Frans was an experience tailor five years ago
(-) Mr. Frans was not an experience tailor five years ago
(?) was Mr. Frans an experience tailor five years ago?
9. Itu adalah sebuah penanda biru lima jam yang lalu
(+) it was a blue marker five hours ago
(-) it was not a blue marker five years ago
(?) was it not a blue marker five years ago?
10. Itu adalah makanan enak tadi malam
(+) those were delicious foods last night
(-) those were not delicious foods last night
(?) were those delicious foods last night?