buat 10 kalimat lengkap dalam bahasa inggris dengan variasi subyek kata kerja obyek dan keterangan yang berbeda
• Buat 10 kalimat lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris dengan variasi subyek, kata kerja, obyek, dan keterangan yang berbeda.
1. Shinta is reading a novel in the corner of library.
2. Riko ate chocolate last night.
3. They were playing soccer when I was at home.
4. I have finished my homework since last night.
5. Raisa and Isyana are eating ice cream in the cafetaria.
6. My mother is cooking noodle now.
7. My brother has fixed his project since 2007.
8. Laila wrote a poem last night.
9. I bought this laptop yeseterday.
10. Budi was listening to rock music one hour ago.
1. Shinta is reading a novel in the corner of library.
( Shinta sedang membaca novel di sudut perpustakaan )
S = Shinta
P = reading a novel
O = novel
K = in the corner of library
2. Riko ate chocolate last night.
( Riko makan cokelat semalam )
S = Riko
P = ate chocolate
O = chocolate
K = last night
3. They were playing soccer when I was at home.
( Mereka sedang bermain sepak bola saat aku di rumah )
S = They
P = playing soccer
O = soccer
K =when I was at home
4. I have finished my homework since last night.
( Aku telah menyelesaikan PR-ku sejak semalam )
S = I
P = finished my homework
O = my homerok
K = since last night
5. Raisa and Isyana are eating ice cream in the cafetaria.
( Raisa dan Isyana sedang makan es kream di kantin )
S = Raisa and Isyana
P = eating ice cream
O = ice cream
K = in the cafetaria
6. My mother is cooking noodle now.
( Ibuku sedang memasak mie sekarang )
S = My mother
P = cooking noodle
O = noodle
K = now
7. My brother has fixed his project since 2007.
( Saudaraku telah menyelesaikan proyeknya sejak 2007 )
S = My brother
P = fixed his project
O = his project
K = since 2007
8. Laila wrote a poem last night.
( Laila menulis puisi semalam )
S = Laila
P = wrote a poem
O = a poem
K = last night
9. I bought this laptop yeseterday.
( Aku membeli laptop ini kemarin )
S = I
P = bought this laptop
O = this laptop
K = yesterday
10. Budi was listening to rock music one hour ago.
( Budi sedang mendengarkan musik rock satu jam yang lalu )
S = Budi
P = listening to rock music
O = rock music
K = one hour ago