D. Change these sentences into active.

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1. The books have been written by Sarah.

2. My motorcycle is being prepared right now by my uncle.

3. The letters are going to be delivered by the postman.

4. Thousands of barrels of oil is produced by the company.

5. The accident was seen by cops.

Tolong sayaa Ini urgent! Helppp yaaa

D. Change these sentences into active.


1. Sarah has written the books.

2. My uncle is preparing my motorcycle right now.

3. The postman is going to deliver the letters

4. The company produces thousands of barrels of oil.

5. The cops saw the accident.


Mengubah kalimat pasif menjadi kalimat aktif tinggal memindahkan objek menjadi subjek dan subjek menjadi objek. Jangan lupa disesuaikan tenses yang ada dan kata kerjanya juga berubah menjadi kata kerja aktif.