Tentukan kata kerja dari 5 kalimat di bawah ini. Lalu tandai apakah kata tersebut lampau atau tidak?

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Contoh :
Is designed ( bukan lampau )

1. Satellities, components for space ships, supplies for astronauts in space stations, and even astronauts themselves are examples of payloads that could be transported into orbit without the need for explosive and environmentally unfriendly rockets. How could such a height be reached?
2. The answer is by using an incredibly strong and lightweight cable, strong enough to support its own weight and a heavy load.
3. The design of such a cable is still largely theoretical
4. This would be attached to a base station on earth at one end and a satellite in goestationary orbit (fixed above a point on the equator) at the other.
5. Lift vehicles would then ascend and descend the cable, powered by electromagnetic force and controlled remotelly.​

Tentukan kata kerja dari 5 kalimat di bawah ini. Lalu tandai apakah kata tersebut lampau atau tidak?


1. Transported (lampau)

2. Using (bukan lampau)

3. Design (bukan lampau)

4. Attached (lampau)

5. Controlled (lampau)


1. Transported = diangkut

2. Using = menggunakan

3. Design = rancangan

4. Attached = dipasang

5. Controlled = dikendalikan