Mr. Oka : Class, please pay attention to my explanation.

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Students : Yes, Sir.

Mr. Oka : Put up your hand if you don't understand. Do you understand?

Students : Yes, we got it, Sir.

Mr. Oka : Dika, will you do number 4 on the board?

Dika : Sure. I will try.

Mr. Oka : Everybody, look at the board and pay attention. Bob, is that right?

Bob : That's right, Sir.

Mr. Oka : Great, you have got it. Class, is everything clear? Are there any more questions?

Students : No. That's enough, Sir.

1.What is the teacher's name?
2.Who will do number 4 on the board?
3.Where does the dialogue probably take place?
4.Is there a student asking a question?
5.Do all the students understand the teacher's explanation?

Mr. Oka : Class, please pay attention to my explanation.


1. Mr. Oka

2. Dika

3. In the classroom

4. No, there is not.

5. Yes, they do.


  1. Mr.Oka
  2. Dika
  3. In the Classroom
  4. No
  5. Yes they understand the teacher explanation

1. guru yang mengajar adalah Mr.Oka

2. Orang yang menjawab pertanyaan no.4 adalah dika, lihat pada dialog baris ke 5 -6


Mr.oka : Dika,maukah kamu menjawab pertanyaan no.4 di papan tulis

Dika : Tentu,saya akan mencobanya

3. Pada dialog pertama Mr.Oka mengatakan: Baik kelas perhatikan penjelasanku. maka bisa dipastikan dialog tersebut dilakukan di dalam kelas

4.karena pada dialog tak ada murid yg menanyakan pertanyaan jawabannya No.

5. Murid2 itu memahami penjelasan gurunya hal ini bisa di lihat pada salah satu dialog

Students : Yes we got it sir ( ya kami paham pak )

Semoga membantu