II. Complete each sentence with an adjective. Add any necessary word (s).

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1. His grandfather is (old) … man in Indonesia.
2. Jakarta is (busy) … Solo.
3. A giraffe has (long) … neck.
4. This test is not (difficult) … as the previous one.
5. If the weather (nice) … , we will go on a picnic.
6. The man on the left looks (humble) … the other one.
7. He has (many) … bags than I.
8. Nancy has (little) … money among her friends.
9. This is (good) … hotel of all.
10. That is (bad) … movie that I have seen

II. Complete each sentence with an adjective. Add any necessary word (s).


1. an old

2. busier

3. the longest

4. as difficult

5. is nice

6. humbler

7. more

8. the least

9. the best

10. the worst

maaf jika ada yg slh (btw yg no 1, 3, ama 5 aku msh ragu)