III. Read the following passage carefully! Fill in the passage with the correct form of the verb.

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Every morning, Tom wakes up (wake up) at quarter past seven. He puts (put) on his tack suit and … (go) jogging for twenty minutes. He … (go) home and … (have) breakfast. He … (take) a quick shower, … (put) on his uniform and … (leave) for school. He … (catch) the bus school at twenty past eight. School … (start) at half past eight.

When he … (get) back home from school, he … (have) lunch and … (do) his homework. At four in the afternoon, he … (have) a short break. He … (meet) his friends and they … (play) football. When it … (rain) and … (stay) at home and … (listen) to music. At six o’clock, he … (go) back home. He … (play) some games on his computer before dinner. He … (watch) TV until nine or ten o’clock. When he … (feel) tired, he … (go) to bed.

tlg jawaaabb sahabattt

III. Read the following passage carefully! Fill in the passage with the correct form of the verb.


goes, goes, has, takes, puts, leaves, catches, starts,

gets, has, does, has, meets, plays, rains, stays, listens, goes, plays, watches, feels, goes.


Jika merupakan daily activity, maka kita gunakan "Present Simple".

Present Simple :

Digunakan untuk menyatakan hal yang merupakan rutinitas, di masa sekarang, dan gwneral truth.

Formnya :

  • 1). Verbal Sentences :

(+) S + V1

(-) S + do/does + not + V1

(?) Do/does + S + V1 + ?

Note :

Tambahkan -aux do untuk subjek I, you, they, we, dan objek jamak.

Tambahkan -aux does untuk subjek she, he, it, dan objek tunggal.

Untuk subjek she, he, it, dan objek tunggal, tambahkan s/es pada verb nya.

➡ Contoh :

  • We cook meals.

[Kita memasak cemilan. ]

  • We = Subject
  • cook = V1
  • meals = Object
  • She drinks juice.

[Dia minum jus. ]

  • She = Subject
  • drinks = V1, karena subjectnya "she", maka veebnya ditambah s.
  • 2). Nominal Sentences :

(+) S + to be + C

(-) S + to be + not + C

(?) To be + S + C + ?

to be : is, am, are

  • Gunakan to be is untuk subjek she, he, it, dan objek tunggal.
  • Gunakan to be am untuk subjek I.
  • Gunakan to be are untuk subjek you, they, we, dan objek jamak.

➡ Contoh :

  • I am a doctor.

[Saya adalan seorang dokter. ]

  • I = Subject
  • am = to be
  • a doctor = Complement (Keterangan)
  • He is busy.

[Dia sedang sibuk. ]

  • He = Subject
  • is = to be
  • busy = Complement

Hope they help you^^