Tolong di baca baik baik dlu ya .

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bantu isi m jawabannya dan alasannya knp pilih jawaban itu , serta ada di paragraf mna jawabannya .

There are differences of opinion on the avian flu.
Some say this could claim 150 milion deaths, but others believe the current alarm on avian flu to be unwarranted as there as No proof it can spread between humans.

according to the chief coordinator of the united nations, 150 milion people could die from the disease if a pandemic strikes. one of the most frightening aspects of a humab flu pandemic arising from avian influenza would be its unpredictability. it's difficult to estimate the death toll should the H5N1 virus mutate into a from thet could be easily transmitted between humans. it is not possible to predict whether a pandemic would occur once, or if itu would repeat. however, epidemiologists recommend that governments take every possible precauntion against the threat of bird flu seriously .

contrary to all the dire predictions about an avian flu pandemic, some ecologists dismiss the current panic as unsubstantiated guess work. one ecologiat contends that H5N1 virus still remains a bird virus and no scientific evidence yet exist of human to human transmission.

there are billions of people across asia, and only 118 of them have been infected by avian flu. so, how do they know that 150 million or mode people could die because of avian flu? the global panis, according to the ecologist, is the result of " scare tactics " created by politicians, medical officers and the media.

it's premature to predict the outcome of avian flu until health scientists confirm the possibility of human to human transmission. the advice is to keep cool and not panic because if you do, you will weaken your resitance and reduce your immune system.


which of the statements below is true ?
A. H5N1 is a human virus
B. A pandemic is not a contagious disease
C. An epidemiologist is a doctor who specializes in birds
D. Avian flu is not curable
E. H5n1 is only a bird virus

tollong yaaa

Tolong di baca baik baik dlu ya .

-no proof it can spread between humans (paragraf 1). No scientific evidence yet exist of human to human transmission (paragraf 3)
– bukan A krn virus ini asalnya dr unggas dan belom ada jurnal ilmiah yg bilang kalo virus ini bs nular antar manusia
– pandemic itu keadaan dmn ada wabah penyakit di satu daerah/negara/dunia. Jd cakupannya luas bgt dan pasti contagious (menular).
– epidemiologist: open your dictionary:)
– d: ya gimana mau disembuhin, org scientist aja msh blm tau virus ini sbnrnya bs nular ke manusia atau ga (based on text)