Derawan Islands
Derawan Is a tropical paradise that is so perfect. In Derawan, you will see a view of the white sand, sun shine, palm tress, and a nice beach. This is God's amazing race. The island has a life under the sea which is very beautiful. Inside it, you will find dolphins, stingrays, barracuda, giant turtles and jelly fish. Shark is also the animal that live in in the underwater park of Derawan. With such wealth, it does not surprise when this island nominated as one of the best dive destination in the world.
Derawan Islands are in Berau,East Kalimantan. It consist of 31 islands. While the most famous islands are Derawan, Kakaban,Sangalaki,and Maratua. All these regions are important parts of marine conservation in Indonesia and have at least 1.27 acres in wide. In Derawan sea, you can see the green turtles and hawksbill turtles which are quite rare. You can even swim in the sea along with the turtles.
Find the noun phrase in the text bellow!
a tropical paradise
the white sand
sun shine
palm tress
a nice beach
the underwater park
the most famous islands
the green turtles
hawksbill turtles
Noun phrase adalah frasa kata benda. Maksudnya, terdiri lebih dari 1 kata, semuanya kata benda. Biasanya diikuti adjective.
Hope they help you^^