Make speech Control on how many children people can have
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– Opening –
Isi :
Ladies and Gentleman,
As you can see, right now Indonesia is having a major population. Today, our beloved country Indonesia is still growing and probably every second and every breath we take, 10 or more babies have been born. It's weird how life is turning so fast and we seem to can never keep up with this. There are of course pros and cons with our situatin well the pros is that, our country will have lots of workers or in Indonesian "Tenaga Kerja" and the cons is that, there will be lots and lots of problems keep coming and we're afraid that someday the government wouldn't want to handle it anymore.
Ladies and gentleman,
So what should we do to keep our population from increasing without decreasing the population right now? Well, our government are now helping us to make this country from drowning because lots of people are living here. We tried to make a program called "Keluarga Berencana" which is a program for keeping the population low as i said without decreasing it itself. Keluarga Berencana means proper civilized family, it basically consits of 2 children and a mother and a father. Hopefully this program will help maintain our population.
– closing –