Contoh dialog expressing scared

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Contoh dialog expressing scared

A : What happen to you? You look shaking like people who chased ghost.
B : You know, last day I have watching Horror Movie. And when I want to go sleep I'm imagined people were kiled in that move was me.
A : Owww, don't be afraid. Around you many people will protect you and care to you, so just take relax, make your body enjoy like before, take many positive think, and you will feel better from before.
B : Thanks for your help
A: Don't mention it

A : Oh my God!! B, Why you look so afraid and your body be
B : Oh no!! don’t worry A, I be alright.
A : Don’t be lie B!
B : Iam sure!! Iam fine.
A : Iam your bestfriend, so you can tell me what happened with
B : Yeah I know that. Please I need a time to arrange my breath.
A : I think you so afraid, the bad incident was happened to you.
B : Yup!! Hmm… Are you sure, you would I tell what happened??
A : Yeah, if that can make you be alright and not afraid again.
B : Okay,, I was saw a ghost in the school`s toilet.
A : Woooowww…. Oh no!! iam so scare sound it.
B : you are me!! When I opened the toilet`s door, I saw a ghost.
She was stand.
A : aaaihhh…… iam shudder!!
B : You know, Her hair is long and her tears was fall down.
But her tears is blood. It is horrible. Iam just quiet, suddenly
she lost with fast.
A : That so crazy.
B : Yup, that make me so scare!!
A : I know, but I think you must pray so that she not disturb you
again. The God can guard you.
B : That good idea. Thanks A!!
A : Yup.