1.what is the kind of the rext?
2.What is the title of the text?
3.Why are cows useful for human being?
THE COW Example Cows are very useful to mankind, in supplying them with milk from which both butter and cheese are made. Their young ones are called calves, and the flesh of calves is veal. A good Cow will give about fifteen or more quarts of milk a day, but much depends upon the quality of the pasture she feeds upon. Her age is told by her horns; after she is three years old a ring is formed every year at the root of the horn, so that by counting the number of circles, her age may be exactly known. Cows are sometimes prettily marked with black, brown, and yellow spots, and, as they lie scattered about a green meadow, add much to the charms of a land
1. descriptive text
2. the characteristics of cow
3. because of their milk can be used as butter and cheese, the meat can also be eaten by us