Rain forests cover about 10% of the earth, but they contain 90% of the world’s
animals and plants. Rain forests are found in the hottest parts of the earth. They are
situated in the area from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. This is the area
on both sides of the Equator.
These forests are called rain forests because it usually rains there every day. The
weather is always hot and humid. The main rain forests are in America, Africa, and Asia.
The largest area of rain forest is Amazonian in South America. It is three times larger than
the whole of Indonesia.
Indonesia was covered by rain forests, but many of its forests have been cut down.
Some fire also destroyed the Indonesian forests, especially during the dry season. It is
hard now to reforest the bare land.
4. What does paragraph one tell us about?
5. How much is the rain forests of Indonesia compared to the ones in South America?
Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following text.
4. What does paragraph one tell us about?
=> Paragraph one describes about rainforest characteristic.
5. How much is the rain forests of Indonesia compared to the ones in South America?
=> Indonesia's rainforests are only about one third of the total area of the Amazonian rainforest, South America. This is because many rainforest areas in Indonesia are deforested, both due to deforestation by humans, as well as forest fires caused by nature.
Pertanyaan 4 dan 5 merujuk pada teks berikut.
Hutan hujan (hutan tropis) mencakup sekitar 10% bagian dari bumi, tetapi mereka berisi 90% binatang dan tumbuhan yang ada di dunia. Hutan hujan dapat ditemukan di bagian terpanas bumi. Mereka terletak mulai dari area Garis Balik Utara (Tropic of Cancer) sampai Garis Balik Selatan (Tropic of Capricorn). Ini merupakan daerah yang berada di kedua sisi dari garis khatulistiwa (Equator).
Hutan ini disebut sebagai hutan hujan karena biasanya setiap hari terjadi hujan. Cuacanya selalu panas dan lembab. Hutan hujan utama berada di Amerika, Afrika, dan Asia. Hutan hujan yang terluas ialah Amazon di Amerika Selatan. Luasnya tiga kali lebih besar dibanding seluruh Indonesia.
Indonesia semula ditutupi oleh hutan hujan, namun banyak dari hutan tersebut telah dipotong. Kebakaran juga seringkali menghancurkan hutan di Indonesia, terutaa pada musim kemarau. Kini sulit untuk melakukan penghijauan kebali di tanah yang sudah tandus.
4. Apa yang diberitahukan pada paragraf pertama?
General information about rain forests.
( informasi umum mengenai hutan hujan. )
5. Berapa banyak hutan hujan yang dimiliki Indonesia dibanding dengan yang berada di Amerika Selatan?
The largest rain forest in America, the Amazon, is three times larger than Indonesia's area as a whole.
( Hutan hujan terbesar di Amerika, hutan Amazon, tiga kali lebih besar dibandingkan luas Indonesia secara menyeluruh. )
Semoga dapat membantu.