6.the surveyor is using the modern digital tools 7.we have verified your application 8.my friend was baking bread whe i came 9.he i going to meet a new client tomorrow. 10.dimas has saved much money for three years​

Posted on

6.the surveyor is using the modern digital tools 7.we have verified your application 8.my friend was baking bread whe i came 9.he i going to meet a new client tomorrow. 10.dimas has saved much money for three years​


artinya :

6. surveyor menggunakan alat digital modern 7. kami telah memverifikasi aplikasi Anda 8. teman saya sedang membuat roti ketika saya datang 9. dia saya akan bertemu klien baru besok. 10.dimas telah menghemat banyak uang selama tiga tahun.

