Beni,what does your father do? how about your mother,what does she do?
My Parent's Job
Pada halaman 129-130 Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 7, siswa diminta untuk mempelajari contoh pada tabel. Kemudian, siswa diminta untuk berputar mengelilingi kelas bertanya kepada minimal 5 temannya tentang apa pekerjaan orang tuanya dan apa yang dikerjakan orang tua.
Untuk menanyakan pekerjaan orang tua, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat tanya seperti:
1. Hello Beni, what is your father job?/ what is your mother job?
2. Hello Beni, what does your father do?/ what does your mother do?
3. Hello Beni, what is your father?/ what is your mother?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang pekerjaan orang tua, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat seperti:
1. My father's job is a/an …… He …….
2. My father is a/an …… He …….
3. My mother's job is a/an …… She ……
4. My mother is a/an ….. She …..
Disini saya memberikan contoh cara mengisi tabel tersebut dengan pekerjaan orangtua teman. Anda bisa memodifikasi atau merubahnya nanti.
1. Friend's name: Anita
Question: Anita, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?
Answer: My father is a lecturer. He teaches students in University. My mother is a teacher. She teaches students in Junior High School.
2. Friend's name: Badu
Question: Badu, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?
Answer: My father is a taxi driver. He drives taxi in the city. My mother is a tailor. She sews some clothes.
3. Friend's name: Cakra
Question: Cakra, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?
Answer: My father is a labor. He works in the factory. My mother is a housewife. She takes a good care of us.
4. Friend's name: Dadung
Question: Dadung, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?
Answer: My father is a lawyer. He helps his clients in the court. My mother is a chef. She cooks delicious food for a restaurant.
5. Friend's name: Erlina
Question: Erlina, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?
Answer: My father is an English teacher. He teaches English for Senior high school students. My mother is an art teacher. She teaches Art for Vocational High School students.
Semoga membantu menjawab. Terimakasih 🙂
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Kelas: SMP
Mapel: B Inggris
Kategori: Occupation
Kata kunci: Parent's job/ occupation