Randy : kinar, is this your picture with the mayor?

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kinar : it is. how did you get that?
randy : my sister just sent it to me. she said this photo was taken on the last week's green ideas competition at the city hall, did you win the competition?
kinar : well, i was placed second
randy : wow! congratulations! what did you win? interesting prizes, i suppose.
kinar : well, i received a certificate and money. oh yeah, my idea will be developed in a real life.
randy : what is your idea?
kinar : i propose an irrigation system to harvest rainwater in tanks for the farm in mountainous areas which have few water sources. this system is perfect for small plantations.
randy : that's cool. i hope the system in helpful for our farms.
kinar : thanks.
1. I propose an irrigation system to harvest rainwater . . .''
the underlined word can be best replaced by ___
a. pour
b. collect
c. deliver
d. administer

Randy : kinar, is this your picture with the mayor?


b collect. soalnya memanen hampir sama dengan mengumpulkan


B. collect yang memiliki arti mengumpulkan

di soal itu menyakan bahwa bagaimana cara mengganti kata memanen menjadi kata yang tepat yaitu collect atau mengumpulkan