Tolong bantu ya pelajaran kelas 9 ​

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Tolong bantu ya pelajaran kelas 9 ​

Tolong bantu ya pelajaran kelas 9 ​

Soal :

Buat 1 kalimat yang termasuk Intention dengan menyertakan teori nya

Pembahasan :

The purpose of expressing intention is to tell other people about our intention or plan to do something in the future. 

We use be going to + simple form of the verb and would like to + simple form of the verb, and we use the statement form. For asking, we use the question form. 

Jawaban :

The example of expressing intention :

1. My mother and I are going to go shopping this weekend.

2. I would rather spend my day at swimming pool than watching at cinema.

3. What would you like to do on the this holiday?

4. I am going to study English with my friends.

5. Would you like to join me to study English?

6. I would like to borrow some book at the library.

7. She is going to buy a new dress for her birthday.

8. My father would rather read newspaper than read magazine.

9. Nana, are you going to go the library today?

10. Would you like to make a birthday cake for our mother's birthday?

Detail Jawaban

Kelas : X

Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kata kunci : Vocabulary exercises

Kategori : 10.5.3 : Expressing Intention