3. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan jawaban berikut:

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Water is our most important resource. Why is it important?
Do you think many people realize that water is important?
Why should we care about saving water?
How can we save water? Please write 5 ways to save water.
What is your mesage to people who are still wasting water?

3. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan jawaban berikut:


  1. Check your toilet for leaks. …
  2. Stop using your toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket. …
  3. Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank. …
  4. Take shorter showers. …
  5. Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors. …
  6. Take baths. …
  7. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. …
  8. Turn off the water while shaving.


  Saving water helps to preserve our environment. It reduces the energy required to process and deliver water, which helps in reducing pollution and in conserving fuel resources. …

  If we save water now, we are helping to ensure a water supply adequate for future generations. Saving water saves money.


1. because most living bodies are composed of water

2. Maybe, not all

3.Because we are the successor to the nation. if not we will be

4.~ reduce watering activity

~ do not forget to turn off the water tap

~ fix leak pipe

~ use aerator tap

~ don't use water if it's not important

5.It's better not to keep throwing water



1. karena sebagian besar tubuh makhluk hidup terdiri dari air

2. Mungkin, tidak semua

3.Karena kita adalah penerus bangsa. jika tidak kita siapa lagi

4. ~ mengurangi aktivitas penyiraman

    ~ jangan lupa mematikan keran air

    ~ perbaiki pipa bocor

    ~ gunakan ketukan aerator

    ~ Jangan gunakan air jika itu tidak penting

5. Lebih baik tidak terus membuang air

semoga membantu