1. Write down a sentence using modal may.

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2. Write down a sentence using agreement So.

3.Write down a sentence using comparative taller.

4. Write down a sentence using superlative the most expensive.

5 . Write down a sentence using infinitive want.

tolong bantu jawab yaa

1. Write down a sentence using modal may.

1. Write down a sentence using modal may.


1. she may join my class today

2. my brother lends me his car so I can go to your house

3. Ray is taller than Aldo

4. Lamborghini is the most expensive car

5. I want to find a new job


models may : boleh bisa digunakan untuk mengizinkan, kemungkinan atau harapan

so agreement = so penghubung artinya jadi

comparison degree tall menjadi taller Karena satu silabel

expensive lebih Dari 1 silabel dengan demikian ditambahkan the most

want to ( infinitive want)
