Give 10 example about comand Dan reques artinya ​

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Give 10 example about comand Dan reques artinya ​


Berikut ini contoh kalimatnya dalam bahasa inggris

Example about comand

Close the door! (tutup pintunya)

open the door! (buka pintunya!)

go to the class now! (pergilah kekelas sekarang)

No smoking! (Dilarang merokok!)

No swimming! (jangan berenang!)

sweep this floor! (sapulah lantai ini!)

go home now! (pulanglah sekarang)

Look at the picture! (Lihatlah gambar itu)

Look at that person! (Lihatlah orang itu!)

Help me! (Tolong aku!)


1. Can you help translate this novel please?

2. Could you pass me the sugar for me?

3. Would you Like to hand me the salt?

4. Can you cleen the window please?

cuma itu moga bisa membantu ya:)