Answer the following clearly and correctly!

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1. What is the meaning of suggestion?
2. Make suggestion for the following situation with explanation!
a. Lina is bored
b. Boby never saves his money
3. Translate the following setences into indonesian!
a. You could find the meaning of the words in the dictionary.
b. You had better concentrate during the class.
4. Write expressions of suggesting someone to do something with should, had better, and ought to! (Each modal for one setence)
5. Make a dialogue about giving suggestion to someone to do something!

Answer the following clearly and correctly!

1. Suggestion is giving someone solution, idea, or plans

2. a. I think you should find something to do, like read a book or study.
b. I think you should save your money so that you will have so much money.

3. a. Kamu dapat menemukan arti dari kata dalam kamus.

5. Nia: Hey, Ani! What are you doing?
Ani: I don't have something to do
Nia: What about you find something to do?
Ani: I don't know what should i do. Do you have any suggestion?
Nia:What about we make fried rice together, i'm a little hungry right now.
Ani: I think that's a good idea. Let's do it
Nia: Let's go!

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