Contoh drama bahasa inggris 5 orng kls 8

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Contoh drama bahasa inggris 5 orng kls 8

This story tells about teenagers' lives. There are four teenagers were friendly, they were very close and familiar even can’t be separated. And one day the one from the four friends met a man, but her friends don’t know about this. And one day..

TANIA : Dil, I want to tell something.
DILLA : What up? Tell me.
TANIA : look at me! Don’t ignore me.
DILLA : just tell me. I’ll listen to you
TANIA : I can’t tell if you don’tlook at me
MILEA & ZARA  : morning Tan, Dil
TANIA  : morning
Milea : What happen with Dilla tan? Her face so sad.
ZARA : yes very sad. What's up?
TANIA : i don’t know. She just ignored me from earlier

Dilla it turns out they'd been listening to the conversation, and then ..

DILLA : I hear you girls!
ZARA : what happens with you Dil? You looks like being sad
DILLA : it's okay. I want to go to cafetaria, you guys want to join?
TANIA : hmm okay, I haven’t had breakfast. I’m so hungry right now!
ZARA : I've had breakfast, so I didn’t.
MILEA : I also didn’t.
DILLA : okay, let’s go tan.
TANIA : we go to the cafeteria yes

Arriving in the cafetaria, tania ask something about Dilla in this morning. But dilla still won’t tell the problem

TANIA : do you have a problemdil? Tell me please.
DILLA : I don’t have problemtan, i just feel badmood
TANIA : are you sure?
DILLA : yes. I just won’t say anything right now.

After finished breakfast in the cafeteria, and then they go back to the class and suddenly… 

BAGAS : Dilla !!
DILLA : (turned and shock) tan, let’s go run to the class!
TANIA : (confused) Why?

And then, dilla just run away and leave tania. But tania still street, because she doesn’t understand why Dilla suddenly run into the classroom. After arriving in the classroom…
MILEA & ZARA : what’s up Dil?
TANIA : (after tania arriving in the class) why Dil?
DILLA : nothing
ZARA : Dil, there was a boy try to finding you, his name is bagas.
DILLA : bagas? !! (Shocked)
MILEA : yes Dil, and he waiting you in out of the class. But you didn’t come. After that he went.
TANIA : who is he Dil? I never hear his name.
MILEA : your boyfriend yea? But why you didn’t tell?
ZARA : oh so, you feel badmood this morning because bagas?
DILLA : don’t say about it.
ZARA : hmm okay

 After that, the bell was sounded and they starting learn. After the study is finish and the bell back was sounded and they get ready to go home, but suddenly bagas meet Dilla..

 DILLA& TANIA : lets go back to home.
MILEA & ZARA : lets go!
BAGAS : Dilla, I want to talk with you now!
DILA : (shock to see bagas coming) oh hai gas, we speak out, yes.

 And then Dilla pull bagas out of the classroom and talk about something both..

DILLA  : Why are you in here? I told you don’t disturb me again. I just want to focus with my school and my friends, gas.
BAGAS : I Just want to apologize. We can be a friend, right? Don’t run away from me like this.
DILA : yes we will can be friend, but don’t call me again.
BAGAS : Why? Am I wrong to call you?
DILLA : I don’t like, gas! I feel you disturb me! You always call me if i with my friends. You know that my friends don’t know about this.
BAGAS : I don’t want to disturb you, but I just want to apologize. I just felt guilty for lying to you about it. I know, i should be honest that my parents don’t like if I have girlfriend. Because they think I must to finished my school. Sorry Dil..
DILLA : it’s okay. I'm not angry with you. Your parents right. I'm sorry for my selfish. We can be just a friend, gas.
BAGAS : of course, now we're friends.

 And Then, Dilla and Bagas became a friend and the fact Dilla’s friends hear the conversation of them. Finally her friends know that bagas is a Dilla’s boyfriend but they never know about this. Dilla’s friends very disappointed, because Dilla never tell about it. But they still try not to angry and ask it with Dilla because they won’t make Dilla sad about this.
 Message from this drama, if you have a problem and you think you can’t to handled this alone, tell your friends about the problem for the good solution to you and you don’t feel sad just lonely and what is your parents’s say is always good to you, so listen your parents’s say for you, because this is for your future.

Itulah contoh naskah drama bahasa inggris yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan remaja. Semoga bermanfaat..