1. What is the dialog about?

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2. How does the speaker ask about one's condition?
3. How does the speaker state one's condition?
4. When should we ask about one's condition?
5. What is the purpose of asking about one's condition?​

1. What is the dialog about?

1. What is the dialog about?

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Jawaban :

1. What is the dialog about ?

  • Asking about and stating one's condition

2. How does the speaker ask about one's condition ?

  • He say " how are you doing?"

3. How does the speaker state one's condition ?

  • He say " what's the matter with you?"

4. When should we ask about one's condition ?

  • When we meet the people

5. What is the purpose of asking about one's condition ?​

  • to ask someone's condition whether he/she is in a good condition or he/she is in an unpleasant state

Penjelasan :

Expression of asking condition merupakan sebuah ungkapan untuk menanyakan kabar seseorang dalam bentuk bahasa inggris. Semua orang akan mengawali pembicaraan untuk menanyakan kabar terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui kondisi lawan bicara kita. Dari pernyataan expression of asking condition itulah kita akan bisa mengetahui keadaan lawan bicara kita.

Contoh kalimat :

  • how are you ?
  • how are you doing ?
  • how is it going ?
  • how have you been ?

Respon jika merasa baik :

  • I am fine, thanks
  • I am very well, thank you
  • I am good, thank you

Respon jika merasa kurang baik :

  • I am not well, thanks for asking me
  • I am not happy, thank you you are nice
  • I am getting sick, thanks for asking me

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materi contoh kalimat expression of asking condition pada link

